Man arrested for stealing Sh124,000 pesa ya maiti

A 25-year-old man has been charged with robbing a Nairobi funeral manager.

Elvis Njoroge and others not before court are said to have robbed David Wanjohi of his vehicle, mobile phones and Sh124, 000 she had collected for a funeral.

The incident allegedly took place on November 14 within Nairobi’s Mihang’o area. The court heard that Wanjohi was accosted and robbed on his way home from work.

The men are said to have forced him out of his car at gun point, tied his hands and legs, before bundling him into the boot.

According to a police statement, Wanjohi surrendered his wallet that had Sh5, 000, a mobile phone and car keys to his attackers, who also forced him to give them pin numbers to his three ATM cards. It is alleged that the accused then went around the ATMs withdrawing the cash.

Wanjohi was rescued from the car boot by police officers on patrol as the accused were busy withdrawing money from an ATM.

Njoroge, who had remained behind to keep vigil, was arrested as his accomplices escaped. But Njoroge denied the robbery charges and was released on Sh200, 000 bond.

The case will be heard on April 11.