50 Fascinating Facts about Egypt

Egypt is known as a transcontinental country due to the fact that it lies on both Africa and Asia. The Sinai Peninsula connects southwest Asia to northeast Africa, and it is part of the country of Egypt. Most of the country lies in Africa though. 

Egypt is bordered by Israel to the north, the Red Sea in the east, Sudan in the south and Libya in the west. It is very populated, and is home to 84 million people, making it the 15th most populous country in the world. 

Its capital city is Cairo, and it is home to 9.1 million inhabitants. The official language of the country is Arabic and its state religion is Islam. The currency is Egypt is the Egyptian pound, and it has been used in the country since the early 1800s. Egypt’s flag is a horizontal flag with three horizontal stripes. 

The stripes are colored red, white and black, and in the middle of the white stripe is Egypt’s coat of arms.

Egypt Facts

    Egypt’s total nominal GDP is $264 billion and its per capita GDP is $3,146.
    The country runs under a unitary semi-presidential republic, and declared itself a republic on June 18, 1953.

    Egypt has major trading agreements with the United States, Greece, France, Italy, Germany, Great Britain and Japan.

    The country’s major exports include oil, food products, cotton, and aluminum.
    Egypt’s main imports include machinery and manufacturing equipment. The country is not highly industrial, and therefore has to import all of its industrialized machinery. Other imports include food, wood and refined fuels.

    The Egyptian Pyramids are thought to have been inspired by the rays of Sun.

    Egypt has more Facebook users than any other Middle Eastern country. The social network site played a huge part in the 2011 Egyptian Revolution.
    The country only receives 1 inch of rain per year.
    Ancient Egyptians believed that mummification would allow the deceased to pass into the afterlife safely. They mummified both people and animals.
    Egyptian hieroglyphs had over 700 symbols that all Egyptians were determined to learn. Hieroglyphs helped Egyptians communicate with each other and write down facts and history. Today, much is known about ancient Egypt due to the hieroglyphics that have been found by archeologists.

    Ancient Egyptians believed in worshipping many gods and goddesses. It is believed that they worshipped over 1000 gods and goddesses.
    The first recognized pharaoh of Egypt was King Menes, who united the Upper and Lower Kingdoms of the country. Legend states that he was killed by a hippopotamus after he had ruled the unified country for 60 years.
    Most Egyptians festivals and traditions can be traced back to the time of the pharaohs. They also draw many of their traditions from their Islamic religion.
    Ramadan is celebrated throughout the country each year. It lasts an entire month, and is a time to celebrate peace. To focus on the holiday, people fast whenever the sun is up. Whenever the sun sets, cities come alive with people eating, drinking and having parties.

    Id al-Fitr is celebrated directly after Ramadan. Its marked by baking special cookies and having friends and family over for parties.
    The Prophet’s Birthday is celebrated each year to commemorate Muhammad’s birthday. People eat halawet al-mulid which is a dish of sweet pastries cooked with nuts, and children are given sugar dolls and horses.
    The Ancient Egyptians invented the clock, and were the first civilization to have 365 day calendars that were divided into 12 months.
    Ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile River flooded each year due to the goddess Isis crying. Her tears were said to cause the floods, therefore each year ancient Egyptians celebrated the floods in a festival known as the Night of the Tear Drop.
    The glass pyramid in front of the Louvre in France is a tribute to the Egyptian pyramids.

    Ancient Egyptians believed that the god Khnum created each human on a potter’s wheel.
    Historically, each thriving metropolis supported one god or goddess, similarly to how in the modern world cities support sports teams.
    One of the oldest death sentences in the world was in 1500 B.C. in Egypt. A male was sentenced to kill himself by poison or stabbing because he was caught practicing magic.
    Women in Ancient Egypt actually had many rights. This included being able to buy and sell properties, enter into legal contracts, and serve on juries.
    Most Egyptian pharaohs were overnight. Dining on honey, bread, beer, and wine led many of these leaders to be overweight and unhealthy. Some even suffered from diabetes.
    The largest pyramid in Egypt is the Pyramid of Khufu at Giza. This pyramid weighs as much as s16 Empire State Buildings.
    Ancient Egyptians believed that cats were sacred. Keeping cats in the home was thought to bring good luck to the household.
    The Ancient Egyptians were responsible for the invention of many things that we enjoy today. This includes paper, pens, locks, and toothpaste.
    Egyptians were known for wearing makeup, and both men and women wore cosmetics. Lead, copper, and other natural materials were used to create makeup, which was used to offer protection from the sun and was also thought to have healing powers.
    The largest Arabic population in the world lives in Egypt.
    Approximately 90% of Egyptians are Muslim.
    About 12% of the Egyptian workforce are employed in the tourism industry.
    Contrary to popular belief, research shows that it's likely that the Great Pyramid was constructed by salaried workers and not slaves.
    Approximately 800 people died during the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. Over 6,000 were injured.
    Egypt controls the Suez Canal, which links the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean.

    Egypt is known primarily for its deserts, pyramids, and the Nile River, which is the longest river in the world.

    Approximately 95% of Egyptians live along the Nile River.
    The Nile Valley is one of the least densely populated areas in the world.
    In 1953, Egypt was no longer under British rule.
    Over 90% of Egypt's land is desert.
    Soccer is the country's most popular sport. Other popular choices include tennis, swimming, and squash.
    Approximately 30% of Egypt's workforce works in agriculture.
    The capital city of Cairo is the largest city in Africa.

    The country's constitution was amended in 2005 so that the president would now be elected by popular vote. Each president serves a term of six years.
    Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab world.
    It is common for Egyptians to make an offer once to be polite. If refused and the offer is made again, then the offer is sincere.
    Egypt is the only Arab country to have a movie industry.
    The government controls Egyptian television channels.
    Egyptian women are expected to keep their arms and legs covered, and they also wear a head scarf as a sign of modesty.
    Visitors to religious buildings are always expected to remove their shoes before entering.
    Since there are very few forests and grasslands in Egypt, wildlife is sparse.

Egypt has a rich history that is shrouded in mystery. Even though archeologists and anthropologists know a lot about ancient Egypt today, there is still a lot to know about the pyramids and the Egyptian pharaohs. Much of Egypt’s culture today can be traced back to ancient traditions and festivals since many Egyptians’ families have lived in the country for generations. The country also has a thriving economy. It is perfectly located on two continents, and has access to many trading networks, which it utilizes to forge relationships with many countries. Today, the country is unified and independent and is rich with culture and history.
